Stories not be believed


Un llibre Oriol Mestres Camps

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The book is composed of short unreal stories as the title says. They are independent, invented,daily life stories. They take imagination and observation of things I notice and read everywhere.

Mainly, I have three goals towards my readers:
– To amuse them and give them a good time.
– To get them hooked up.
– To surprise them.

I have to say I am proud of how the book has come out; it is certainly easy-reading and addictive. It’s hard to stop reading it.

In my stories I try to reach the reader with original elements but giving them the appearance of complete normality. I intend to write non real stories , that could happen in true life and also, that make sense. They have a plot to follow, as well as cultural additions to complete them. Another important feature and one I am most concerned about, is their length; they are all short,vivid, intense, one- and- a- half page tales.

I would like to emphasize how pleased I am to give life to invented characters, everyone of them with a different, independent personality. And everyone of them with a psique, dreams and conflicts of their own…we could even find a meaning in their names!


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